バージョン: DAI 6.5

Post-Installation Configuration

After installion, you can make adjustments to the configuration of the DAI server to prepare it for use within your organization.

Add Settings for Self-Signed SSL Certificates

If you've completed an advanced installation and used your own Certificate Authority to sign an SSL certificate, then you must update your configuration after installation.

  1. Stop the Digital Automation Intelligence Service through the Windows Services manager.

  2. Go to C:\ProgramData\Eggplant\Digital Automation Intelligence\config.yml and open the .yml file in a text editing tool.

  3. Add the following entry under the env key and save your file:

    REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE: <path to the root Certificate Authority certificate>
  4. Restart the Digital Automation Intelligence Windows service.

Change the Eggplant DAI Port on Windows

Although Eggplant DAI assigns port 8000 by default during installation, you can specify a different port later:

  1. Stop the Digital Automation Intelligence Service through the Windows Services manager.
  2. Repeat an advanced installation and in steps 3 or 4, depending on your configuration, enter a new port value.
  3. When the installation is complete, restart the Digital Automation Intelligence Windows service.

Configure Eggplant DAI Application Server Logs Rotation

Eggplant DAI application server has a 60 day log rotation by default, though you can change the rotation setting under the config file:

  1. Stop the Digital Automation Intelligence Service through the Windows Services manager.
  2. Go to C:\ProgramData\Eggplant\Digital Automation Intelligence\config.yml and open the .yml file in a text editing tool.
  4. Change the rotation log count number.
  5. Restart the Digital Automation Intelligence Windows service.

Log rotation behaviours

  • The log file is generated on a daily basis if there are transaction logs in Eggplant DAI.
  • The rotation will take place when there is a new incoming log file and the log folder contains the number of the log file which is equal to the configured value. For example :
    • DAI service log folder contains generated log files, for example:
      • log.txt.2023-01-01, log.txt.2023-01-03, log.txt.2023-01-04
    • If a new log file is created on 6th January, this log file will replace the earliest log file log.txt.2023-01-01. As a result, the following log files will be available:
      • log.txt.2023-01-03, log.txt.2023-01-04, log.txt.2023-01-06
    • And rotates again when there is a new incoming log file, for example:
      • log.txt.2023-01-04, log.txt.2023-01-06, log.txt.2023-01-07
  • This log rotation feature will only rotate log files which are created in DAI 6.5. Log files that have been created prior to DAI 6.5 will need to be managed manually.
  • The name format of the log file in DAI 6.5 is different from earlier versions of DAI. The new log file name format is log.txt.<timestamp>.
  • Log rotation excludes logs for PostgreSQL, Nginx, RabbitMQ and Keycloak. These logs will need to be managed manually.